This day, also known as #FreedomDay or #EmancipationDay, commemorates June 19, 1865, when the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, were informed of their freedom two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.
The history of #Juneteenth sheds light on the limitations of the Emancipation Proclamation, issued in January of 1863. While the proclamation declared freedom for enslaved people in the Confederacy, it did not apply to those in border states loyal to the Union. Slavery persisted in these states until the ratification of the 13th Amendment in December of 1865, almost a full 3 years later. Confederate states and slaveholders also resisted emancipation, leaving many people enslaved even after the proclamation.

LeaderKeys Consulting honors the historical significance of Juneteenth while also acknowledging the #lessons that led to the events of Juneteenth. Let us not forget as we observe Juneteenth, that it also represents the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equality, and policy declarations alone are insufficient. #Advocacy, enforcement, and empowering institutions are essential to ensuring that rights translate into meaningful change.
How to Observe Juneteenth

Resources are available to enhance your understanding of the events that led to the eventual emancipation in Texas, the aftermath for the newly liberated enslaved individuals, and the impact of #AfricanAmerican culture on America. Challenge yourself and others to dive deeper into these topics to expand your #knowledge. Our Masterclasses and workshops are always structured in three stages, let's take that approach for this as well:
Educate: Here is a great podcast episode with Annette Gordon-Reed who has celebrated Juneteenth her whole life but reflects on what it really means. The conversation starts at about the 3:35 minute mark.
Elevate: Slavery has a loophole, even as we write this blog, the 13th Amendment. Even though we have highlighted the documentary 13th (Netflix) before, we can never do it enough. It brings context and insight into the topic to help understand the experience of the aftermath of slavery in the United States. It is next level, which is why it is always at our Elevate stage. Watch 13th today
Activate: Supporting Black commerce is the best way to bring #awareness and dollars into the communities centered on this holiday. We continue the Activate portion below with a resource to help you take action and benefit from the contributions of Black Americans #shopblack

Opting to support #Blackowned businesses on and after Juneteenth not only diversifies your shopping options but also contributes to the growth of the African American community by keeping money circulating within it. To begin, check out these 25 Black-owned directories: https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/black-owned-businesses-directories

LeaderKeys provides a 4-Day Masterclass on #RacialJustice that delves deep into recognizing systemic factors contributing to #inequalities and discovering actionable steps for your personal, professional, or academic circles. Brace yourself for honest, #AuthenticandUnapologetic conversations. Reach out to schedule a call and explore further: calendly.com/leaderkeys/racial-justice-workshop-overview
Final Thoughts
Juneteenth serves as a reminder of the #progress made and also as a #calltoaction for the work that lies ahead. By embracing our strength, recommitting ourselves, and advocating for a future where freedom, justice, and #equality prevail, we aim to make these values the standard, not the anomaly. This mission is central to LeaderKeys' efforts in the realm of Racial Justice.